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Michigan Beekeepers Association

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The Michigan Beekeepers Association

The Michigan Beekeepers Association (MBA) is the oldest continuously operating agricultural organization in the state of Michigan and one of the oldest beekeeping clubs in the country.  Since 1865, MBA has actively supported honey bee and beekeeping research; advocated for Michigan beekeepers; and provided educational programs, legislative advocacy, and community outreach. MBA coordinates and cooperates with over 20 local organizations and supports commercial and hobbyist beekeepers in Michigan.   

Have ideas, or want to get involved?  We would love to hear from you. MBA is entirely volunteer-run and depends on beekeepers who are willing to share their time, ideas, voices, or other support.  If you would like to help beekeepers in your state, contact your MBA District Representative, or an MBA Board Member to get involved. 

The Michigan Beekeepers Association is an exempt nonprofit organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN:38-2176155.

Michigan Beekeepers Association membership

Your membership in the Michigan Beekeepers Association helps support its activities. Here are just a few.

    • MBA acts as an umbrella organization for local associated beekeeping clubs. MBA can provide insurance coverage and may offer seed money for events to help offset costs for smaller organizations.
    • MBA, together with MSU Extension, hosts an annual beekeeping conference during MSU Ag Week, bringing in nationally renowned speakers and dozens of vendors to educate and serve hundreds of beekeepers.
    • MBA hosts a fall conference that includes speakers, vendors, the MBA annual general business meeting and elections.
    • MBA has provided thousands of dollars to directly support honey bee research.
    • MBA supports citizen science projects.
    • MBA has donated hives and supplies to schools and organizations to teach beekeeping.
    • MBA provides educational coloring books free of charge to groups hosting beekeeping educational events.
    • MBA plays an active role in creating statewide guidelines, including Generally Accepted Agricultural and Management Practices (GAAMPS) for honey bees in Michigan.
    • MBA’s legislative committee provides input to all levels of government pertaining to the practice of beekeeping in Michigan.

MBA member benefits include:

      • MBA newsletter (delivered to your email inbox) 
      • Discount on spring and fall conference registration
      • Free listing on the Honey Locator, Swarm Removal and Cutout pages on the MBA website
      • Discounts on subscriptions to the American Bee Journal, Bee Culture
      • To receive a discount on bee magazines simply call the magazine’s order line to order or renew your subscription. Ask for the MBA discount at that time and they will apply it to your order.
      • Having a voice in legislation that directly affects beekeepers
      • Connection with Michigan State University resources
      • Having input on the Michigan Pollinator Protection Plan
      • MBA supports beekeepers and beekeeping.

    You can support the Michigan Beekeepers with your membership. 

    We look forward to hearing from you.

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