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Michigan Beekeepers Association

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Local Honey Locator List Instructions

How to add yourself to the honey locator list

Link to printable instructions at the bottom of the page 

To be listed on the MBAs Local Honey Locator list you must be a member. If you are not a member, you will need to join. You should be able to complete the steps listed below while completing your membership application, starting at 3a.  If you are currently a member, please note that you will need to put contact information for the list into the business fields in your profile for it to appear in the list. To help make sure your information is in the appropriate places, these instructions will walk you through each step.

1) If you are currently a member, while at, click on the member login icon in the top right corner and log in using your MBA username and password.

2) Click on the person icon at the top right (if you don’t see it on your device try tapping on the menu first to make the person icon visible) and select View Profile.

3) Once your member profile is open, click the EDIT PROFILE button at the top. You will need to edit your member profile as follows:

  • a.  If you do not already have a business name entered please enter it. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A BUSINESS NAME please enter your first and last name in the business name field.
  • b.  Enter your business phone number. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A BUSINESS NUMBER, please enter the number you would like to have potential honey customers use to contact you, even if it is the same as the other phone number listed in your profile. Note, the number will display in the table exactly as you have entered it. To make it easier for users to read, we strongly encourage you to use a (XXX)XXX-XXXX or XXX-XXX-XXXX format.
  • c.  Please enter your business address, including county. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A BUSINESS ADDRESS, please enter at least the city and county of your personal address in these fields. (NOTE, if your computer offers to auto-populate this section, it will likely put MI or Michigan under county. Please check to be sure county is entered correctly!)
  • d.  Please enter your business website URL, if you have one. This will help users find your website and learn more about how to find you and how to purchase your honey. If you do not have a website, you have the option to leave that entry blank or enter your street name and number in that field. This would help potential customers determine where you are located relative to their location. NOTE, the street address will not be pulled from the business address field, so if you wish to have it displayed here, you will need to enter it here.
  • e.  Select Local Honey Locator List under member participation.

4) Save your changes. Note, it may take a few weeks for you to appear in the listing.

5) Should you wish to be removed from the list in the future either permanently or temporarily, for example if you are out of honey, the only change you will need to make is to uncheck Honey Locator List under member participation.

If  you have not completed the steps above,  the list may contain insufficient information for customers to find you.   In that case, you will be temporarily removed from the list.  If you find you are not appearing on the list within a few weeks of having selected to participate,  please walk through the instructions above again, update your profile and add yourself back.  For questions or problems, you can email

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